Legacy Gift Opportunities
Legacy gift donors are a group of extraordinary visionaries and philanthropists committed to energizing our future and transforming our world — in our lifetime and beyond.
These transformational gifts typically involving a naming opportunity, funded through one of the following means:
- Cash donation (with an option of a multi-year pledge)
- Named Beneficiary through Wills / Bequests
- Donation of Stocks or Securities
- Retirement Assets (RRSP, RRIF), Life Insurance, or Charitable Remainder Trust
These gifts are allocated across all three components of our Youth Academy fundraising campaign, including:
- Capital infrastructure to realize 10,000 sq. ft. for community building & arts-based learning.
- Nurture existing and develop new programs for youth in the performing and technical arts.
- Advance inclusion for underrepresented youth by subsidizing tuition bursaries.
Youth Academy Legacy Opportunities
Elevator & Accessibility
Rehearsal Hall
$100,000 (4 available)
Group Music Room
Studio Classrooms
$25,000 (2 available)
Drayton Entertainment Venue Naming Opportunities
Recognition is at your choice of Drayton Entertainment venue, but 100% of your donation is allocated towards the Youth Academy.
Auditorium: Drayton Festival Theatre
Auditorium: Huron Country Playhouse Mainstage
Theatre Lobby: Drayton Festival Theatre
Theatre Lobby: Huron Country Playhouse
Auditorium Private Box: Hamilton Family Theatre Cambridge
Event Room: St. Jacobs Country Playhouse
Universal Washroom: Hamilton Family Theatre Cambridge
Universal Washroom: St. Jacobs Country Playhouse
Universal Washroom: Huron Country Playhouse
For more information about making a donation please contact:
Jonathan Randall
Director of Development
Phone: (519) 621-5511 ext. 233
Email: jonathan@draytonentertainment.com