April 3, 2023
The topic of our all-ages community “Assembly” at the Drayton Entertainment Youth Academy was Anti-Bullying.
Thank you to our incredible speakers, Sawyer Hogenkamp and Stacey Kay for your wisdom and heart, and most especially to all the families who gathered to learn how to define, combat and stop the spread of bullying.
Some Takeaways Tips:
- Report bullying to an adult you trust… adults really care about bullying
- Stand up to the bully… if you feel safe, appear confident, stand tall, make eye contact, and speak firmly to tell the bully what they’re doing is mean and they should stop
- Remind yourself that being bullied is not your fault
- Seek like-minded social groups
- The best revenge is for you to be HAPPY!
The Canada Kids Help Phone is
1-800-668-6868 or check out www.kidshelpphone.ca. (a free, anonymous, and confidential phone and web counseling service)